Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm

Chair Holder
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg / Chair of Economic Theory


Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm holds the Chair of Economic Theory at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. It is important for her to combine microeconomics with practice. Therefore, real markets and their rules are investigated by empirical studies in research and teaching. Prof. Dr. Grimm has been a member of the expert commission advising the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) since August 2014.

Academic Positions, Past and Present

  • Professor of Economics (W3), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (2008 - present)

  • Director of the Laboratory for Experimental Economics Nuremberg, LERN (2008 - present)

  • Head of the Scientific Board, Energie Campus Nürnberg (since 2017)

  • Head of the Research Unit Energy Market Design within Energie Campus Nürnberg (since 2017)

  • Head of the Research Unit Economy within Energie Campus Nürnberg (2010 - 2016)

  • Assistant Professor (Akademische Rätin), University of Cologne (2006 - 2008)

  • Research Fellow at theChair of Prof. Axel Ockenfels, University of Cologne (2005 - 2006)

  • Guest Researcher, CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain (2004 - 2005)

  • Guest Reasearcher, ECARES, Free University of Brussels (2005)

  • Assistant Professor, University of Alicante (2003 - 2005)

  • Research and Teaching Assistant, Humboldt University Berlin (1998 - 2003)


  • University of Cologne, Habilitation (Venia Legendi für Volkswirtschaftslehre) (2008)

  • Humboldt-University Berlin, PhD (Economics), summa cum laude (2002)

  • University of Kiel, Diploma in Economics(1998)

  • Energy economics

  • Energy market modelling

  • Applied game theory

  • Mechanism design

  • Industrial organization

  • Auction theory

  • Market design

  • Experimental economics

  • Behavioural economics

Board Memberships & Professional Service

  • Member of the Energy Steering Panel of EASAC (European Academies’ Science Advisory Council) auf Vorschlag der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina (since 2018)

  • Member of the Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs at the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV) (since 2018)

  • Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs at the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (since 2018)

  • Board of Academic Advisors, German Federal Ministery for Economic Affairs and Energy (since 2018)

  • Board Member, ENERGIEregion Nürnberg e.V. (since 2017)

  • Member of the work group “Competition Policy” at the Federal Cartel Authority (since 2017)

  • Vice Chair of the Scientific Advisory Council, ifo Institue and CESifo (2016 - 2019)

  • Member of the ifo Admninstrative Council (2016 - 2019)

  • Member of the Advisory Board of ForumV (2016 – 2018)

  • Executive Board of the German Economic Association (2015 - 2019)

  • Chairwoman, Scientific Advisory Board, DIW Berlin (2015 - 2018)

  • Member of the Board of Trustees, DIW Berlin (2015 - 2018)

  • Member of the Expert Commission “Strengthening Investment in Germany” set up by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel (2014 - present)

  • Standing Field Committee on Social Sciences (2011 - present)

  • Standing Field Committee on Industrial Economics (2010 - present)

  • Managing Guest Editor, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Special Issue „Taxation, Social Norms, and Compliance“

  • Managing Guest Editor, Games. Special Issue „Games and Market Design“

  • Member of the Steering Board, Campus Future Energy Systems (Campus FES), a cooperation among Siemens, FAU, THN, ZAE, KIT, Fraunhofer IISB, EnCN

  • Co-Editor, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik (PWP), (2015 - present)

  • Fellow, ESEI Center for Market Design, Zurich

  • Research Fellow, CESifo, Munich

Recent Conference Organization

  • EnCN-Jahreskonferenz (December 13, 2018)

  • Conference “Gender Economics and the Workplace”, Nuremberg (November 8/9, 2018)

  • Young Energy Economists and Engineers Seminar (YEEES), EnCN (April 27/28, 2017)

  • Workshop on Energy Economics among ifo Munich, TUM, DIW Berlin, TU Berlin, EnCN and FAU (February 16/17, 2017)

  • Workshop on Energy Economics among ifo Munich, TUM, EnCN and FAU (March 17, 2017)

  • PhD Workshop “Nuremberg Experimental Research Days” (September 2014)

  • Organization of the International Conference “Taxation, Social Norms, and Compliance” (March 2014)

  • Workshop „Herausforderungen der Energiewende in Deutschland: Marktdesign im Spannungsfeld von Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik“ together with Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst (November 2013)

  • Workshop “Tarifverhandlungen und Equal Pay”, Kickoff of the Project “Experimental Studies on Collective Bargaining and the Gender Pay Gap” in Berlin (March 2013)

  • Organization of the “First FAU Workshop on Tax Compliance” (March 2012)

  • Local Organization of the Meeting of the German Society for Experimental Economics (GfeW) in Nuremberg (September 2011)

Academic Service

  • Dean of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Law (from 10/2018)

  • Speaker of the Research Focus Area “Future Energy Systems”, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (since 2017)

  • Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Law (2016-2018)

  • Speaker (Dean) of the School of Business and Economics, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (since 2016)

  • Vice Speaker of the School of Business and Economics, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (2015-2016)

  • Elected Member of the Academic Senate, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (2013-2015)

  • Speaker of the Research Focus Area “Energy Markets and Energy System Analysis” at the School of Business Adminstration and Economics within FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (since 2015)

  • Member of the Assessment Committee for the research programme „Smart Governance” by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NOW), (2013)

  • Gender and Diversity Committee at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (since 2011)

  • Kommission zur Weiterbildung (2014)

  • Bachelor-Coordinator for the Bachelor in Economics at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (2009 - 2011)

  • Speaker of the Institute for Quantitative Economics and Economic Policy at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (2009 - 2011)

  • Member of over 30 Recruiting Committees at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, chairman of four (2008 - 2012)

  • Organizer of the Economics Research Seminar (2009 - 2010)

  • Member of the Evaluation Committee (2008 - 2011)

  • Representative of (untenured) scientific staff at Humboldt University Berlin (2000 - 2002)

Economic Consulting

  • Scientific Report to the Monopoly Commission, together with G. Zöttl, and C.Sölch (2017)

  • Expertise on Options for Decentralization and Cellular Optimization in the German Electricity Market, together with G. Zöttl, M. Ambrosius, B.Rückel, C.Sölch, and Prognos AG (2016)

  • Scientific Report to the Monopoly Commission, together with G. Zöttl, B.Rückel, and C.Sölch (2015)

  • Report on “Strengthening Investment in Germany” to the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel, together with the members of the commission (2015)

  • Report to the Ministry of Economics of Schleswig Holstein on the planned Tenders for Photovoltaic Capacity in Germany (November 2014)

  • Report on “Tendering for outpatient generic medicines in Europe”, joint with ESMT Competition Analysis GmbH, Berlin (2010)

  • Evaluation of the rules of the European Energy Exchange (EEX), Leipzig. Report: „Strommarktdesign: Preisbildungsmechanismus im Auktionsverfahren für Stromstundenkontrakte an der EEX“, with Axel Ockenfels and Gregor Zöttl (2008)

  • BWA (“WiMax”) auction 2006 (consulting of a potential bidder), with Axel Ockenfels

  • UMTS auction 2000 (bid preparation for Vodafone), with Frank Riedel and Elmar Wolfstetter

  • GMS auction 1999 (bid preparation for Mannesmann Mobilfunk), with Frank Riedel and Elmar Wolfstetter

  • SFB TRR 154 “Mathematische Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung am Beispiel von Gasnetzen”, Project: Multilevel mixed-integer nonlinear optimization for gas markets, Principal Investigator, together with Martin Schmidt, Euro 240.000 (2018-2022)

  • Grant by the Bavarian State Government for a project within the Research Unit “StorageB” within “Energie Campus Nürnberg”, with Gregor Zöttl, Euro 250.000 (2017 - 2021)

  • Grant by the Bavarian State Government for the Research Unit “Energy Market Design” within “Energie Campus Nürnberg”, with Frauke Liers, Roland Ismer, Alexander Martin, Martin Schmidt, Lars Schewe, and Gregor Zöttl, Euro 2.400.000 (2017 - 2021)

  • SFB TRR 154 “Mathematische Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung am Beispiel von Gasnetzen”, Project: Welfare optimal nominations in gas networks and associated equilibria Principal Investigator, together with Martin Schmidt, Lars Schewe, and Gregor Zöttl, Euro 80.000 (2016-2018)

  • N-Ergie AG, “Dezentralität und zellulare Optimierung – Auswirkungen auf den Netzausbaubedarf”, together with Gregor Zöttl and Prognos AG, Euro 90.000 (2016)

  • Elitenetzwerk Bayern “Elite Master Program:  Advanced Signal Processing & Communications Engineering”, with 12 professors from FAU (2016 - 2020)

  • ThyssenKrupp AG „Flexible Verbraucher im Deutschen Strommarkt“, Euro 20.000 (2015-2016)

  • Bundesagentur für Arbeit, “Experimentelle Validierung von Indikatoren des Managerverhaltens in Betriebsbefragungen”, Euro 230.000 (2015-2018)

  • N-Ergie AG, Nürnberg “Evaluation of a Smart Grid-Field Experiment”, Euro 50.000 (2014-2015)

  • Principal Investigator within the Emerging Field Project “Sustainable Business Models in Energy Markets: Perspectives for the Implementation of Smart Energy Systems” , joint proposal by 7 professors within FAU (coordinator: Nadine Gatzert), Euro 226.200 (2014 - 2016)

  • Elitenetzwerk Bayern “International Graduate School: Evidence Based Economics”, with Davide Cantoni, Martin Kocher, Klaus Schmidt, Joachim Winter, Florian Englmaier, Uwe Sunde, Monika Schnitzer, and Andreas Roider, Euro 4.400.000 (2013 - 2021)

  • Research Grant from the Bavarian Government und der EU (efre) “Solarfabrik der Zukunft: Smart Grid Solar”, Teilprojekt “Implementierung im Marktumfeld“, Euro 400.000 (2012 - 2016)

  • BMFSFJ: “Experimentelle Studien zur Auswirkung von kollektiven Lohnverhandlungen auf den Gender Wage Gap”, with Gesine Stephan (IAB), Euro 500.000 (2012 - 2015)

  • Research Grant for the Project “Trust in Character, Capability and Institutions” by GfK Verein, Euro 21.600 (2012-2014)

  • Coordinator/Principal Investigator of the Project “Taxation, Social Norms, and Compliance: Lessons for Institution Design” that has been awarded the status of an “Emerging Field” within FAU Erlangen- Nürnberg, joint proposal by 10 Professors within FAU, Euro 990.000 (2012 - 2013)

  • Principal Investigator within the Emerging Field Project “Bio Objects Bio Subjects: Exploring the Interface of Science, Technology and Society”, joint proposal by 6 professors within FAU (coordinator: Peter Dabrock), Euro 150.000 (2012 - 2013)

  • Grant of “Hermann Guttmann Foundation” for funding of experimental Master Theses at the Chair of Economic Theory, Euro 5.000 (2011)

  • Third party funding in the context of cooperation with local companies (N-ERGIE AG, GfK), approx. Euro 30.000 (2009 - 2014)

  • Grant by the Bavarian State Government, Principal Investigator of the Research Division “Economy” within “Energy Campus Nürnberg”, Euro 400.000 (2012 - 2017)

  • Research Grant by the German Science Foundation (DFG), “Reputation Formation in Social Systems“, with Martin Abraham, approx. Euro 200.000 (2010 - 2012)

  • Jugendamt der Stadt Nürnberg: Cooperation within the project “Vergabeverfahren für Kindergartenplätze in Nürnberg: Derzeitige Praxis und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten aus Sicht der Matching-Theorie“ (since 2010)

  • Grant by Energiestiftung Baden-Württemberg (Energy Foundation of Baden Württemberg) for Research on Market Conduct in Energy Markets, with Axel Ockenfels, approx. Euro 200.000 (2006 - 2009)

  • German Science Foundation (DFG) two year post doc Grant, “Investment Incentives in Market Games and Implications for the Design of Market Rules“ (2005)

  • Member of the Research Project No. SEJ2004-02172 of the Spanish Ministry for Education and Science, “Diffusion, Search and Play in Complex Social Networks” (2003 - 2005)

  • Member of DFG Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) Transregio 15: “Governance und die Effizienz ökonomischer Systeme“ (2002 - 2003)

  • Member of DFG Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 373: „Quantifikation und Simulation Ökonomischer Prozesse“, Humboldt University at Berlin (1998 - 2002)

  • "Erich Schneider Prize" for the best master thesis in economics, University of Kiel (1998)


Jonas Egerer, Nima Farhang-Damghani, Veronika Grimm, Philipp Runge (2024)
Grimm V, Groß C, Marxsen T, Schwarz M (2023)
Grimm V, Malmendier U, Schnitzer M, Truger A, Werding M (2023)
Runge P, Sölch C, Albert J, Wasserscheid P, Zöttl G, Grimm V (2023)
Richel A, Vladikova D, Peneva TM, Duic N, Kalogirou S, Papanicolas CN, Hamburg A, Laaksonen P, Corbeau AS, Grimm V, Kohse-Höinghaus K, Maniatis Y, Imre AR, Masi M, Mulder M, Neumann A, Thunman H, Gebart R, Brandon N, Thomas HR, Gillett W (2023)
Kühling J, Haucap J, Amin M, Brunekreeft G, Fouquet D, Grimm V, Gundel J, Ketter W, Kment M, Kreusel J, Kreuter-Kirchhof C, Liebensteiner M, Moser A, Ott M, Rehtanz C, Wetzel H (2023)
Jonas Egerer, Veronika Grimm, Kiana Niazmand, Philipp Runge (2023)
Grimm V, Malmendier U, Schnitzer M, Truger A, Werding M (2023)
Egerer J, Grimm V, Grübel J, Wirth J (2023)
Bauer F, Bollerhey T, Egerer J, Erdmann M, Exenberger M, Geyer F, Grimm V, Hofrichter A, Krieger M, Runge P, Sterner M, Wirth J, Wragge D (2023)
Markus Beckmann, Gregor Zöttl, Veronika Grimm, Thomas Becker, Markus Schober, Oliver Zipse (2023)
Edmund Baker, Veronika Grimm, Yuval Ofek-Shanny (2023)
Jonas Egerer, Veronika Grimm, Julia Grübel, Gregor Zöttl (2022)
Abraham M, Collischon M, Grimm V, Kreuter F, Moser K, Niessen C, Schnabel C, Stephan G, Trappmann M, Wolbring T (2022)
Egerer J, Grimm V, Lang L, Pfefferer U, Sölch C (2022)
Veronika Grimm, Christina Von Rüden (2022)
Jonas Egerer, Veronika Grimm, Lukas M. Lang, Ulrike Pfefferer (2022)
Castillo Geoffrey, Choo Lawrence, Grimm Veronika (2022)
Veronika Grimm, Christian Sölch, Gregor Zöttl (2022)
Grimm V, Löschel A, Pittel K (2022)
Egerer J, Grimm V, Hilpert J, Holzhammer U, Hümmer B, Lang L, Mast T, Nysten J, Pfefferer U (2022)
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen : et ; Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, Recht, Technik und Umwelt
Boettger T., Grimm V., Kleinert T., Schmidt M. (2022)
Lang Lukas, Egerer Jonas, Grimm Veronika, Pfefferer Ulrike (2022)
Grimm V, Martin A, Sölch C, Weibelzahl M, Zöttl G (2022)
Lang Lukas, Egerer Jonas, Grimm Veronika, Pfefferer Ulrike (2022)
Ambrosius M, Egerer J, Grimm V, van der Weijde AH (2022)
Haucap J, Kühling J, Amin M, Brunekreeft G, Fourquet D, Grimm V, Gundel J, Kment M, Ketter W, Kreusel J, Kreuter-Kirchof C, Liebensteiner M, Moser A, Ott M, Rehtanz C, Wetzel H, Meinhof J, Wagner M, Borgmann M, Stephanos C (2022)
Grimm V, Hintermüller M, Huber O, Schewe L, Schmidt M, Zöttl G (2021)
Egerer Jonas, Grimm Veronika, Kleinert Thomas, Schmidt Martin, Zöttl Gregor (2021)
Lars P. Feld, Veronika Grimm, Wolf Heinrich Reuter (2021)
Bassen A, Boetius A, Burchardt U, Böhning-Gaese K, Dubourg S, Edenhofer O, Engels A, Feld LP, Fischedick M, Füllkrug-Weitzel C, Grimm V, Hanson J, Hasselfeldt G, Haug GH, Kreuter-Kirchhof C, Krüger JA, Lewe M, Maier L, Paetow H, Reiche K, Röstel G, Sauer DU, Schnappauf W, Scholz I, Schlacke S, Schlögl R, Schmidt CM, Weber E, Weiger H, Wieczorek-Zeul H (2021)
Veronika Grimm, Franziska K. Lembcke, Milena Schwarz (2021)
Veronika Grimm, Lukas Nöh, Milena Schwarz (2021)
Kleinert Thomas, Grimm Veronika, Schmidt Martin (2021)
Veronika Grimm, Daniel Nowak, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt, Alexandra Schwartz, Gregor Zöttl (2021)
Abraham M, Damelang A, Grimm V, Neeß C, Seebauer M (2021)
Veronika Grimm, Bastian Rückel, Christian Sölch, Gregor Zöttl (2021)
Edmund Baker, Veronika Grimm (2021)
Ambrosius M, Egerer J, Grimm V, van der Weijde AH (2020)
Ambrosius Mirjam, Grimm Veronika, Kleinert Thomas, Liers Frauke, Schmidt Martin, Zöttl Gregor (2020)
Grimm V, Liedtke C, Baur N, Kenning P, Micklitz HW, Dehmel S, Specht-Riemenschneider L, Scharioth S (2020)
Jan Fries, Niklas Garnadt, Veronika Grimm, Lukas Nöh (2020)
Grimm V, Grübel J, Rückel B, Sölch C, Zöttl G (2020)
Veronika Grimm, Galina Orlinskaya, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt, Gregor Zöttl (2020)
Veronika Grimm, Holger A. Rau, Simeon Schächtele (2020)
Auferoth F., Eskofier B., Gerber L., Grimm V., Richer R., Rohleder N. (2020)
Abele-Brehm A, Dreier H, Fuest C, Grimm V, Kräusslich HG, Krause G, Leonhard M, Lohse AW, Lohse MJ, Mansky T, Peichl A, Schmid RM, Wess G, Woopen C (2020)
Bichler M, Grimm V, Kretschmer S, Sutterer P (2020)
Lawrence Choo, Veronika Grimm, Gergely Horváth, K. Nitta (2019)
Grimm V, Schewe L, Schmidt M, Zöttl G (2019)
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
Grimm Veronika, Grübel Julia, Schewe Lars, Schmidt Martin, Zöttl Gregor (2019)
Castillo G, Choo L, Grimm V (2019)
Buschmann B, Grimm V, Rau H, Stephan G (2019)
Grimm V, Kleinert T, Liers F, Schmidt M, Zöttl G (2019)
Abraham M, Niessen C, Schnabel C, Lorek K, Grimm V, Möslein K, Wrede M (2019)
Büttner T, Erbe K, Grimm V (2019)
Cagala T, Glogowsky U, Grimm V, Rincke J, Tuset Cueva A (2019)
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Grimm V, Orlinskaya G, Schewe L, Schmidt M, Zöttl G (2019)
Runge P, Sölch C, Albert J, Wasserscheid P, Zöttl G, Grimm V (2019)
Abraham M, Grimm V, Neeß C, Seebauer M (2018)
Ambrosius M, Grimm V, Sölch C, Zöttl G (2018)
Tobias Cagala, Ulrich Glogowsky, Veronika Grimm, Johannes Rincke (2018)
Grimm Veronika, Mengel Friederike (2018)
Journal of the European Economic Association
Buschmann B, Gärtner D, Grimm V, Osiander C, Stephan G (2018)
Industrielle Beziehungen - Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management
Grimm V, Ambrosius M, Rückel B, Sölch C, Zöttl G (2017)
Grimm V, Utikal V, Valmasoni L (2017)
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Feicht R, Grimm V, Rau H, Stephan G (2017)
German R, Götz K, Grimm V, Kufner A, Leepa C, Luther M, Mehl S, Sigert I, Steber D, Veerashekar K (2017)
Abraham M, Grimm V, Lorek K, Möslein K, Niessen C, Schnabel C, Wrede M (2017)
Grimm V, Schewe L, Schmidt M, Zöttl G (2017)
Abraham M., V. Grimm, C. Neeß, M. Seebauer (2016)
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Veronika Grimm, Julia Lang, Gesine Stephan (2016)
Industrielle Beziehungen - Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management
Grimm V, Lang J, Stephan G (2016)
Industrielle Beziehungen - Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management
Fratzscher M, Articus S, Bsirske F, Feiger R, Feld LP, Fitschen J, Grimm V, Hoffmann R, Jung H, Kerber M, Lemb W, Lersch-Mense FJ, Loewenstein HH, Mayer T, Oletzky T, Russwurm S, Schnitzer M, Schröder U, Schwager H, Schweitzer E, Vassiliadis M, Böger TR, Nauschnigg F, Posselt T, Bender A, Eckart W, Eide S, Homann D, Lieber A, Schuknecht L, Alm B, L'Hoest R, Meurers M, Neuhäußer U, Steinberg P, Weins S, Zettelmeyer J, Gornig M, Michelsen C, Pagel B, Schiersch A (2016)
Büttner T.,V. Grimm (2016)
Grimm V, Rückel B, Sölch C, Zöttl G (2016)
Leepa C, Kufner A, Mehl S, Steber D, Veerashekar K, Sigert I, Götz K, German R, Grimm V, Luther M (2016)
Drichoutis A, Grimm V, Karakostas A, Zhurakhovska L (2016)
Dieckmann A., V. Grimm, M. Unfried, V. Utikal, L. Valmasoni (2016)
Grimm V, Martin A, Weibelzahl M, Zöttl G (2016)
Feicht R, Grimm V, Seebauer M (2016)
Grimm V, Martin A, Schmidt M, Weibelzahl M, Zöttl G (2016)
Ambrosius M, Grimm V, Sölch C, Zöttl G (2016)
Fratzscher M, Articus S, Bsirske F, Feiger R, Feld LP, Fitschen J, Grimm V, Hoffmann R, Jung H, Kerber M, Lemb W, Lersch-Mense FJ, Loewenstein HH, Mayer T, Oletzky T, Russwurm S, Schnitzer M, Schröder U, Schwager H, Schweitzer E, Vassiliadis M, Böger TR, Nauschnigg F, Posselt T, Bender A, Eckart W, Eide S, Homann D, Lieber A, Schuknecht L, Alm B, L'Hoest R, Meurers M, Neuhäußer U, Steinberg P, Weins S, Zettelmeyer J, Gornig M, Michelsen C, Pagel B, Schiersch A (2015)
Cagala T, Glogowsky U, Grimm V, Sproten A (2015)
Grimm Veronika,Zöttl Gregor (2015)
Debora Gärtner, Veronika Grimm, Julia Lang, Gesine Stephan (2015)
Industrielle Beziehungen - Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management
Grimm V, Ilieva L (2013)
Bolle F, Grimm V, Ockenfels A, del Pozo X (2013)
Engelmann D, Grimm V, Tonn M (2013)
Grimm Veronika, Zöttl Gregor (2013)
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
Engelmann Dirk, Grimm Veronika (2012)
Grimm Veronika, Mengel Friederike (2012)
Grimm Veronika, Mengel Friederike (2011)
Grimm Veronika, Mengel Friederike (2011)
Grimm Veronika, Zöttl Gregor (2010)
B E Journal of Theoretical Economics
Grimm Veronika, Mengel Friederike, Ponti Giovanni, Viianto L. (2009)
Engelmann Dirk, Grimm Veronika (2009)
Grimm Veronika, Mengel Friederike (2009)
Grimm Veronika, Schmidt Ulrich, Weber Martin (2009)
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium
Grimm Veronika, Jaromir Kovarik, Giovanni Ponti (2008)
Grimm Veronika, Ockenfels Axel, Zöttl Gregor (2008)
Grimm Veronika, Ockenfels Axel, Zöttl Gregor (2008)
Grimm Veronika (2007)
Jürgen Bierbaum, Grimm Veronika (2006)
Grimm Veronika, Pacini Riccardo, Spagnolo Giancarlo,Zanza Matteo (2006)
Grimm V, Riedel F, Wolfstetter E (2004)
Grimm Veronika, Riedel Frank,Wolfstetter Elmar (2004)
Grimm Veronika, Schmidt Ulrich, Weber Martin (2003)
Grimm Veronika, Frank Riedel, Elmar Wolfstetter (2003)
Grimm Veronika, Frank Riedel, Elmar Wolfstetter (2003)
Rupp B., Grimm Veronika (2002)
Grimm Veronika, Schmidt Ulrich (2000)
Journal of Economics and Finance
Grimm Veronika, Schmidt Ulrich (2000)
Grimm Veronika, Schmidt Ulrich (1999)
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium
Grimm Veronika (1999)