Thomas Andrew Olson

Thomas Andrew Olson

Director Business Development
 Thomas Andrew Olson
Avealto Ltd. (UK)


Thomas Olson studied Aeronautics and Astonautics at the University of Washington and Biology and Russian at Portland State University.

For over three decades, Mr. Olson has been a business systems engineer and analyst in the Communications, Aerospace, and Publishing sectors. In addition, he worked in analysis and operations roles in the Financial Services sector. A serial entrepreneur, he co-founded Exodus Consulting Group as a “catalyst” helping tech startups and investors find each other, and was initially the project manager for the NewSpace Business Plan Competition, 2011-2015. Today he serves as Director of Business Development for Avealto, Ltd., based in the UK, an early-stage firm that will will soon provide High Altitude Platforms for internet and mobile services to underserved areas around the world.


Since its founding in 2013, Avealto Ltd.’s goal has been to design, build, and operate commercially viable high altitude vehicles to provide communication infrastructure to remote regions of the world.  Avealto has tested multiple iterations of flight hardware, and has also used balloon flights to test the reliability of key components in the very low temperatures of the stratosphere.  We have completed our development R&D, and are now on the path to building the first three full-sized vehicles for commercial operations.