Prof. Dr. Christoph Pflaum

Prof. Dr. Christoph Pflaum

Computational Engineering
Prof. Dr. Christoph Pflaum
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg / Professorship for Computer Science (Numerical Simulation using Highest-Performance Computers)


Christoph Pflaum is Professor at the Department of Computer Science at FAU.

His research topics are high performance computing and numerical simulation with respect to different engineering applications. In particular, he is interested in optical applications, simulation of solar cells, and simulation of airships.  

Christoph Pflaum studied mathematics at Technical University Munich. He worked at Technical University Munich, University Würzburg, Germany, and at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, before he obtained a professor position at University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.

Additionally, Pflaum is cofounder and CEO of the company ASLD GmbH.